PLACE NYC Congratulates Students and Families on High School Offers

New York, NY — PLACE NYC (Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum and Education) congratulates the current 8th grade students and their families who took part in the high school application process and applauds their hard work, dedication, and effort. Results were announced and offers were extended to students on Thursday, March 6th. We are pleased that New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) has listened to the continued advocacy of parents, Community Education Councils and PLACE to improve the high school application process by:

  • moving up the date of public high school offers;
  • Improving transparency, from the disclosure of lottery numbers to the  deployment of a predictive tool helping students and families to assess their chances of admission, and ultimately build stronger applications;
  • increasing the number of rigorous high school options, including the opening of new Bard campuses in District 19 in Brooklyn and District 12 in the Bronx; and
  • committing to not reduce seats at high-demand schools.

“We have advocated for more transparency from NYCPS and continue to help parents navigate the complex high school application process,” said Lisa Marks, co-president of PLACE.

PLACE will host another (free) virtual Parent-to-Parent Conversation: “2025 High School Offers Are Out: What Next?” to discuss Waitlists, Hidden Gems, 10th Grade Options, and more, on Tuesday, March 11th, at 8:30pm.

NYC parent and Computer Science Professor Amelie Marian, has crowdsourced information from parents using this year’s offers and lottery number to give next year’s parents a look at the odds of school offers based on their lottery number. Please contribute to help our fellow parents by responding to her survey here.
