PLACE NYC Responds to High School Admissions Placements


March 9, 2023

(New York, NY) PLACE NYC applauds Chancellor Banks for overall improvements to the high school admissions process, including a return to academic screening, a clear application process and the earliest notification of offers in years. These changes acknowledge that all children, including academically advanced students, require and deserve an academic environment that meets their individual learning needs and a process that’s respectful to families.

Parents were pleased with the definitive offering of the Specialized High School Admissions Test and welcomed the convenience of taking the test in the student’s middle schools – a major step in making the SHSAT more accessible.

The improvements this year, while welcome, do not go far enough. The continued use of lottery numbers for academically screened admissions is unfair and inequitable. Grades, state test scores, and other academic assessments should be the main factors for admissions.

Maud Maron, PLACE NYC Co-President said “NYC public school students deserve to be matched to appropriate programs that take into account their hard work, achievements, and readiness, not be told they ‘got a bad lottery number.’”

A 95 in one school is not the same as a 95 in another. Therefore, we strongly urge the Chancellor to reinstate standardized objective metrics as part of fair admissions. State test scores should be considered in next year’s admissions, and the DOE should inform students now, before state tests are given in April. PLACE NYC advocates for the return to a straight rank based on each school’s admissions rubrics.

PLACE NYC stands with public school families in asking NYC Public Schools to improve the admissions process, not only for high schools but also for middle schools and elementary schools.

Benjamin Morden, PLACE NYC co-founder and CEC District 2 President said, “We should reward student learning with non-lottery admissions policies. Adding greater consistency, predictability, mobility, and transparency from kindergarten through high school entry is critical too. This will help recover school enrollments and improve student outcomes.”

Congratulations to the newly accepted High School students! We wish them all great success and happiness as their NYC public school journey continues.



PLACE NYC (Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum and Education) advocates for challenging and rigorous education for every public school student starting at elementary school to inspire classrooms of lifelong learners and to provide access and opportunity so students can achieve their full potential.

Press Contacts:

Maud Maron, Co-President, PLACE NYC
Alysa O’Shea, Co-President, PLACE NYC