NYC kids could be shut out of AP and honors classes under new law: critics

“While the working group urged education officials not to “eliminate” access to programming that may also include gifted and talented classes and electives, some dissenters believe the guidance does not go far enough and publicly released a report of their own Tuesday.

The group, mostly comprised of members of Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum and Education, or PLACE, said the majority report failed to consider potential program cuts as the law is implemented, and as a result missed out on the chance to give feedback on education priorities during tight fiscal times.

They objected to enrollment caps at sought-after programs and worried that the benefits of class size reduction could be negated if the school system needs to hire lower-quality teachers to reach its projections of 9,000 new teachers to comply with the law, plus thousands more to backfill attrition.”

Read the full article at the New York Daily News: