We at PLACE NYC are united in our belief that all students across the learning spectrum are deserving of a quality education.
Our advocacy centers on improving the academic rigor and standards of K-12 public school curricula to improve students ability to achieve their greatest academic potential, and prepare them for the next phase of their life’s journey.
To further that goal, PLACE NYC supports:
1. The preservation of the NYS Hecht-Calandra law which mandates the SHSAT as the sole means of admission to Specialized High Schools (SHSs), and preservation and expansion of the SHSs;
2. Preservation, expansion, and academic improvement of NYC’s Gifted & Talented programs;
3. Preservation, expansion of existing, and development of new accelerated curriculum options made available to all NYC students (i.e. AP high school courses, Special Progress middle school programs, academically-screened middle schools, and honors programs within all schools);
4. A commitment that all students receive high quality coursework appropriate to their academic needs, and that schools prioritize education in core subject areas of mathematics, English Language Arts, science, social studies;
5. Thoroughly analyzed non-academic pedagogy to ensure rigorous high quality academics are not replaced by curricula that does not prepare students for the next phase of their life’s journey;
6. After-school programming that includes options encouraging academic learning, proficiency, and excellence;
7. Maintenance of rigorous New York State Regents exams as a high school graduation requirement;
8. Improved diversity in academically accelerated learning schools and programs by improving academic performance and outcomes of all students starting at elementary school, and increasing the number of early education programs, and enhancing the curriculum, standards and expectations of those programs.
Members of PLACE are a dedicated group of parents who may be passionate advocates on issues outside PLACE’s mission. We respect the diversity of thought within PLACE and stand together to collectively advocate for our shared mission.