Over 1,500 Parents Sign Open Letter to Oppose Enrollment Caps, Cuts to Accelerated and Enrichment Programs

Updated 10/6/2023. Over 1,500 parents signed the open letter.

PLACE NYC submitted an open letter signed by 1,341 parents to the Class Size Working Group.

October 4, 2023

Dear Class Size Working Group,

Thank you for the work you have done collectively to find ways that NYC public schools can implement the new class size reduction law. We, the undersigned, write to you in response to the call for feedback on your draft proposal

We support the Programming Committee’s proposal to maintain spaces for accelerated programs and enrichment classes:

  • “Do not reduce access to programming like electives, G&T, dual language programming, AP classes or honors classes when programming for new class size caps.”
  • “Do not reduce access to arts, theater, dance, science labs or library spaces to find more instructional space.”

However, we strongly oppose the Enrollment Committee’s proposal to cap enrollment at high demand schools which include G&T, Specialized High Schools, popular screened and audition schools.

  • “Limit enrollment at overcrowded schools that do not have the space to comply with the new class size caps.”

The primary sponsor of the law, Senator John Liu, and UFT President Michael Mulgrew both stated that the intent of the law was not to limit capacity at schools and they would be “keeping an eye” on the DOE to ensure it did not limit opportunities for students. The Working Group should factor this into its recommendations.

We ask the Working Group to strongly advocate for the DOE to build capacity first to meet the demand of NYC families who want more rigorous, high quality education, as the spirit of the law demands. Until appropriate space capacity is available and properly certified teachers are trained and hired, we should not be reducing the number of offers/seats  and/or redistributing our students to the detriment of their education.

PLACE NYC and 1,341 signatories

Open Letter