Ability Grouping in Support of Acceleration, Integration & Academic Excellence

Join us on Thursday November 19, 2020, 6-8pm for a presentation and panel discussion.

RSVP for the Zoom link and to submit questions: https://forms.gle/VcFPTjaEtkZj4b6C6

PLACE NYC Presentation followed by Panel Discussion

Our Distinguished Panelists

Joseph Chou
Retired math AP of Francis Lewis High School (23+ years)

Maggie Feurtado
Retired accelerated 7th grade math teacher/MS Dean NYC Lab MS (17 years)

Jonathan Plucker, Ph.D.
President, NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) Board of Directors;
Julian C. Stanley Professor of Talent Development at Johns Hopkins University

Moderated by PLACE NYC Co-President Yiatin Chu and Executive Board Member Maud Maron.

Pre-Event “Homework”
Please watch this Ted Talk “The Danger of a Single Story” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie