Education council turnout is divided; Advocates sweep some districts, while others remain skeptical of CEC

PLACE NYC, a group that formed in opposition to several of the mayor’s recent integration-based reforms, was successful in many districts across the city, and specifically in Queens, in its efforts to usher in candidates to the CEC.

But despite the new engagement with the parent-led councils, voter turnout did not uniformly increase in Queens. In some districts, notably the ones like southeast Queens districts 27 and 29, where PLACE advocates did not get involved, the results were markedly lower than the rest of the borough.

PLACE was able to boost a slate of candidates in several Queen districts. In District 24, four out of six parents they endorsed got seats on the CEC. In District 25, all three the organization endorsed won their seats. In District 26, six out of nine candidates it endorsed won their seats.

The top-ranked candidates in Districts 25 and 26, both PLACE-endorsed, received 750 and 599 votes respectively, some of the highest tallies in the borough.

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