FOIL Your Student’s Lottery Number for Kindergarten and G&T Applications

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For the Fall 2023 Kindergarten application, parents must list up to 12 elementary school choices, including Gifted and Talented program selections without knowing ahead of time if their child will qualify. As with prior years, there will likely be more demand than available seats to the G&T programs. 

Other than sibling priority, all eligible students will be given offers based on their lottery number. 

PLACE NYC has successfully helped parents FOIL their child’s lottery numbers. Knowing your child’s lottery number may help you rank your choices and consider backup options including private, parochial, charter schools if those are possibilities for you. 

Please send your email request soon. Kindergarten / G&T applications close on January 20, 2023.

For more details on the K/G&T application process, please refer to the DOE website.




[Attach a copy of your state ID, i.e. driver’s license since they require you to verify your guardianship.]

Dear DOE FOIL Officer,

I am filing a FOIL request for my child’s lottery number for the 2022-23 kindergarten admissions cycle. Please send this to me as soon as possible as the DOE deadline for Kindergarten including G&T applications closes on January 20, 2023.

My child is: [child’s name]

Attached is a copy of my ID to verify my guardianship. Please send this information to [parent email].

Thank you.

[parent name], legal guardian of [child’s name]